Debat “Des sciences (humaines) sans conscience?”, Brussel, 4 december 2015

Le vendredi 4 décembre prochain, le Réseau des Médiévistes belges de Langue française (RMBLF – Groupe de contact FNRS) organisera aux Archives générales du Royaume (Bruxelles) une journée de débat et de réflexion intitulée « Des sciences (humaines) sans conscience ? ». Le programme et l’argumentaire de cette rencontre figurent en pièces jointes.

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à cette rencontre qui sera consacrée à des questions fondamentales pour l’avenir de nos disciplines. La table ronde du matin portera sur le publish or perish, l’édition scientifique et l’open access, tandis que le débat de l’après-midi tournera autour de la question du financement de la recherche. Lors de ces deux tables rondes, la parole sera largement laissée à l’assistance. N’hésitez donc pas à venir partager vos expériences et vos réflexions ! Si vous souhaitez assister à cette journée, nous apprécierions, pour des raisons pratiques, que vous vous y inscriviez par retour d’e-mail.

Cette rencontre a été pensée en étroite collaboration avec l’École doctorale HISTAR, qui organisera le lendemain à l’Académie royale de Belgique (Bruxelles) une journée d’étude intitulée « Quantité et/ou qualité. La course à la publication dans les sciences historiques ». Le programme de cet événement est disponible à l’adresse suivante : Vous y êtes également les bienvenus.


Beurs ‘Robert de Sorbonne’

Het Laboratoire de Médiévistique occidentale te Parijs zoekt kandidaten voor haar postdoctorale beurs ‘Robert de Sorbonne’. Geïnteresseerden kunnen zich kandidaat stellen t.e.m. 30 september 2015. Meer informatie vindt u hier.


CFP: Solidarity before the welfare state (ESSHC), 30 maart – 2 april 2016 , Valencia

Gelieve in bijlage een Call for papers te vinden rond het thema Solidarity before the welfare state, a global perspective (Middle Ages – early 20th century), waarrond een sessie georganiseerd zal worden tijdens het European Social Science History Conference dat van 30 maart t.e.m. 2 april 2016 doorgaat te Valencia. Geïnteresseerden kunnen een paper titel en abstract (100-500 woorden) bezorgen aan en dit vóór 27 april 2015. Meer informatie vindt u hier.

Aankondiging opening Centre of Visual Arts and Research, Nicosia

Recent opende het Centre of Visual Arts and Research (CVAR) te Nicosia zijn deuren. Dit centrum herbergt de Costas collectie en de Rita Severis collectie, een verzameling van kunst, kostuums en memorabilia met betrekking tot Cyprus en de omringende landen. Daarenboven bezit het centrum een uitgebreide bibliotheek en een onderzoekscentrum, die beide zeker bij onderzoekers geïnteresseerd in het Midden Oosten vanaf de middeleeuwse periode tot vandaag de dag op belangstelling zullen kunnen rekenen.

Meer informatie over het centrum vindt u hier.

Herinnering Lidgeld VWM

De deadline voor het betalen van het VWM-lidgeld is intussen al enige tijd verstreken. Op dit moment heeft 1 op 2 leden al betaald. Bij deze doet de VWM een warme oproep aan de andere helft om hun lidmaatschapsbijdrage zo snel mogelijk te regelen, graag ten laatste tegen 1 maart. De VWM is immers voor haar werking volledig afhankelijk van de bijdragen van haar leden. U kan dit doen via overschrijving of via automatische domiciliëring – het VWM-rekeningnummer en informatie over domiciliëring vindt u hier terug.

Hou alvast ook vrijdag 24 april 2015 vrij in uw agenda: op die dag vindt immers de eerste ledendag van de VWM plaats te Antwerpen!

Colloquium ‘The Merchant and the Law: Mind the Gap?’

Op 30 en 31 maart vindt in Maastricht het colloquium The Merchant and the Law: Mind the Gap? plaats.

“For present-day legal historians, the historical development of commercial law in early modern Europe is characterized by the definitive breakthrough of top-down legislation (royal ordinances, urban statutes, etc.) as the formal source of law par excellence. Thus far, the accretion of such legislative efforts in the early modern period has always been portrayed in a causal relationship with the lingering demise of custom as the most pre-eminent source of law in Europe, and consequently, also as the dynamic force behind every modification of private and commercial law.

Within the field of economic history, however, a different narrative is predominating. Here, changes in the organisation of trade, as well as commercial law, are primarily attributed to merchants as customarily operating actors within the world of European commerce. As such, the historical development of commercial law implies a bottom-up operation in the first place, whereby the dynamic usages and practices of merchants continued to function as the fundamental source of law, despite the growing number of legislative activities of local and central authorities.

Both interpretations not only seem to take for granted the existence of a gap between the merchant and the law; they also give proof of a well-maintained and structural lack of interdisciplinary cooperation between both fields of research. Therefore, the colloquium aspires to build bridges. It seeks to promote interdisciplinary cooperation between economic and legal historians. Likewise, and by means of dialogue and debate, the colloquium seeks to assess the actual significance of customary practices of merchants on the one hand and legislative efforts of local and central authorities on the other hand within the historical development process of early modern commercial law in a more nuanced manner.”

Dit is de website van het colloquium, alwaar ook het definitieve programma (en meer info m.b.t. tot de doelstellingen en inhoud) te vinden is:

Het colloquium staat open voor iedereen, maar registratie is evenwel verplicht. Dit kan via de website van het colloquium. Voor één dag betaalt men 25 euro; voor twee dagen 40 euro (participation fee).  Het programma vindt u ook als bijlage bij dit bericht.Program.dockx

Aankondiging Network Porta Historica

Graag vestigen we uw aandacht op onderstaand bericht.

Dear colleague,

In 2006 five institutions involved in opening up historical documents started a network called Porta Historica. The aim of the network is to bring together, at the international level, scholars and institutions that are involved or interested in editing, publishing (in print or digitally) and analyzing historical sources in a broad sense (editions, reference works, databases etc.), in order to promote cooperation among these scholars and institutions and to increase their expertise.

The founding  members were the Ecole Nationale des Chartes (ECN) – National School of Palaeography and Archival Studies – in Paris (France), the Institute of Historical Research of the University of London (UK), the Commission Royale d’Histoire/ Koninlijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis (CRH/KCG) – Royal Committee for History – in Brussels (Belgium), the Institut für Mittelalterforschung (IMAF) – Institute for Medieval Research – in Vienna (Austria) and Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (Huygens ING) – Huygens Institute for the History of The Netherlands – in The Hague.

The founding institutes organized a modest network, establishing a board and a charter, set up a website ( ) with reports on its activities and reviews, held annual meetings about the methodology and techniques of editing, and formulated quality criteria for digital editions of historical sources.

Now the next step we are taking is to expand our network to all scholars and institutions in Europe that are involved with or interested in historical sources.

What are the advantages of becoming a member of Porta Historica?

In the first place, in the membership area you will find a membership list giving the names and institutional affiliation of scholars and details of individual institutes, with e-mail addresses and URL’s, as well as information about the period, documents and subject in which every member specializes or takes an interest. This will make it easy to get in touch with members who have the same interests as you.

Second, in the membership area there is the option to discuss specific topics with each other. To make a start, we placed on the forum a list of topics and themes that might be of interest to you to discuss. But feel free to discuss other problems or solutions, that you will want to share with other scholars. Every member may start a new conversation.

The website has a special area’s for forthcoming international events, such as conferences on historical sources and other news. As a member you will have the opportunity to add your own events or news to the list and draw attention to them.

We are planning to organize a conference every other year on the editing, opening up and analysis of historical documents. The first conference will be held in The Hague at the end of this year or maybe some months later. As a member of Porta Historica you will be kept informed about these conferences: we will send you the Calls for Papers, warn you about deadlines and provide information about transport, accommodation etc.

And in addition to all this, membership is free!

How can you join the network?

It is very simple. On the Porta Historica website you will find a button in the left-hand corner which says ‘Join our network’. Just click on it and follow the instructions: fill in the application form that will be send it to Eef Dijkhof, secretary general of Porta Historica (

How can you help to develop the network?

  • In the first place: become a member !
  • Second, forward this mail to all scholars and institutions in your own network that might be interested, in order to make Porta Historica as well-known as possible.
  • Inform your colleagues about the network: put this announcement on your university, department or institute website.
  • Become an active member of Porta Historica: there are several interesting roles available
    • We need a moderator for discussions on the forum
    • We are looking for a coordinator for the news section of the website
    • We are interested in members who would like to join
      • the website committee
      • the committee for reviews
      • the program committee for the first Porta Historica conference
      • the planning committee for future conferences
      • the board of Porta Historica
      • in the future we might think of an e-newsletter, or even a peer reviewed e-journal.

I hope we can welcome you soon as a member of our network.

We realize that it is not inconceivable that you receive this email several times. We apologize in advance for this inconvenience.

Best wishes on behalf of the board,

Andrea Rzihacek, Institut für Mittelalterforschung (Vienna), Chair
Guy Vanthemsche, Commission Royale d’Histoire/Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis (Brussels)
Jane Winters, Institute of Historical Research (London)
Amélie de Miribel, École Nationale des Chartes (Paris)
Eef Dijkhof, Huygens Institute of the History of The Netherlands (The Hague), secretary general