Ambachten en Stedelijke Economieën in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (12e-19e Eeuw), Ieper 11 oktober 2019

Guilds and Urban Economies in the Southern Low Countries (12th-19th Centuries)

Ambachten en Stedelijke Economieën in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (12e-19e Eeuw)


Place & date/plaats en datum: Vleeshuis, Boomgaardstraat 3-7, 8900 Ieper, Yper Museum, Friday 11 October 2019/Vrijdag 11 oktober 2019

Organisation/Organisatie: Jan Dumolyn (UGent) & Bart Lambert (VUB), with/samen met Sandrin Corevits (Yper Museum)

Supported by/Met de steun van City Alliantieonderzoeksgroep stadsgeschiedenis UGent – VUB, Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies (UGent) & Yper Museum

Please confirm your attendance before 15 September 2019 at and/or /Gelieve uw aanwezigheid te bevestigen voor 15 september 2019 via en/of



10:00 Welcome and coffee/welkom en koffie

10:30-11:30 Keynote Lecture/keynotelezing

Martha Howell (Columbia University, New York): ‘Artisans and the Civic Whole : Corporative Ethics, Economic Realities, and Sociopolitical Struggle’.

11:30 Coffee break/koffiepauze

11:45-13:15 Morning Session/ochtendsessie

Chair/moderator: Paul Trio (KULAK)

-Jan Dumolyn & Leen Bervoets (UGent): ‘Guilds, Urban Space and Collective Action in Thirteenth-Century Flemish Towns: The Ypres Cokerulle Revolt (1280) Revisited’.

-Peter Stabel (UA): ‘The Real Guild Revolution? Social Hierarchy and the Formalization of Labour Relations: Some Examples from the Ypres Textile Industry’.

-Wim De Clercq, Paulina Biernacka, Dante de Ruijsscher & Jan Trachet (UGent): ‘Ysere ghesleghen niew of hout. Interdisciplinary Research into the Ironworking Activities of the Medieval Harbour at Hoeke’.

-Lise Saussus (LAMOP, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne): ‘Les hommes aux marteaux : productions, ateliers, niveaux de vie et relations professionnelles des métallurgistes douaisiens de la fin du Moyen Âge’.

13:15-14:15 Lunch, Museum Café Yper Museum

14:15-15:45 Afternoon Session/namiddagsessie

Chair/moderator: Jelle Haemers (KUL)

-Ward Leloup (VUB-UGent): ‘From Tanners Square to Tawers Street: The Leather Industry Located in Sixteenth-Century Bruges’.

-Wout Saelens (UA-VUB): ‘Industrial Energy Consumption in Eighteenth-Century Ghent and Leiden (c. 1650-1850’.

-Matthijs Degraeve (VUB): ‘Industrial Districts in the City: Locational Patterns of City Builders in 19th-Century Brussels’.

-Bert De Munck (UA): ‘A History of Anachronisms: Guilds from Bulwarks to Institutions to Commons’.

15:45-16:00 Coffee break/koffiepauze

16:00-16:30 Conclusions/conclusies: Marc Boone (UGent)

16:30-18:00 Opportunity to visit the Yper Museum/Mogelijkheid tot bezoek van het Yper Museum