Vacature: Regesta Imperii

De Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz werft een wetenschappelijk medewerker aan op een project over de regesten van Karel II de Kale (1 april 2015 – 31 december 2016, mogelijkheid tot verlenging). U kan solliciteren tot en met 31 januari 2015. Meer informatie vindt u hier.

Vacature Universiteit Innsbruck

De Universiteit van Innsbruck heeft een vacature voor een professor in middeleeuwse geschiedenis en historische hulpwetenschappen (contract van 3 jaar, te beginnen op 1 maart 2015). De deadline is 11 December 2014. Meer informatie vindt u hier terug.

Vacature “Re-evaluating female monasticism”

The Department of Medieval History at Ghent University (Belgium) has a position available for a predoctoral research fellow in a project entitled “Re-evaluating female monasticism’s “ambiguous identity” in the ninth- to eleventh-century West” (supervisor: prof. dr. Steven Vanderputten). For the project outline and detailed information on how to apply, see

Research Fellowship in Milan (Italy)

The CIRCSE Research Centre, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy), invites applications for a full-time, fixed-term Research Fellow position in the area of language resources and natural language processing.

The CIRCSE Research Centre ( is the official acknowledgement of the former GIRCSE, which was founded by father Roberto Busa SJ, the author of the Index Thomisticus and one of the pioneers in humanities computing.
The research centre hosts the Index Thomisticus Treebank project and maintains a number of NLP tools and language resources, mostly for Classical languages.

The successful candidate will manage the computer science related aspects of the CIRCSE research activities and projects.
In particular, the candidate will develop/re-use software to support research activity in the area of text analysis, implementation and exploitation of language resources such as treebanks and lexica. She/he will be in charge of the processing pipeline for storing, analyzing, retrieving and annotating digital collections, including (but not limited to) literary and philosophical texts written in Classical languages.

– programming skills: C++ or Java, Python or Perl
– regular expressions
– good knowledge of English

– PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Computational Linguistics
– setup and usage of SQL and no-SQL DB systems
– processing semi-structured data (for instance, XQuery)
– basic administration of an Apache web server
– designing and developing web-based applications
– methods and tools for natural language processing
– attested research experience in computational linguistics and, particularly, in developing language resources
– basics of theoretical linguistics

– duration: the post is available for up to two years (1 year + 1 year)
– salary for the first year: 19,370 Euros (1,470 monthly, after taxes)
– starting date: February 1st, 2015

The full announcement and the application form can be downloaded at
See under “Selection procedures to assign” ( to access the text of the announcement: the job description is reported at page 2.
See under “Application form” ( to download the application form.


Knowledge of Italian is NOT a requirement.
Informal enquiries about this position should be sent to Dr. Marco Passarotti (

Vertaler Middelnederlands-Engels gevraagd

John Aberth, Amerikaans mediëvist en auteur van meerdere boeken over laatmiddeleeuwse geschiedenis bedoeld voor niet-specialisten, zoekt een doctorandus/-a voor een Engelse vertaling – uiteraard tegen betaling – van (Middel)Nederlandse bronnen over de veertiende-eeuwse flagellanten.  Geïnteresseerden kunnen hem contacteren op het volgende adres:

Boekenbeurs 2013

Net als vorig jaar biedt uitgeverij Brepols alle leden van de Vlaamse Werkgroep Mediëvistiek de kans om op donderdag 7 november gratis de Boekenbeurs in Antwerpen te bezoeken. Die dag is de beurs geopend tot 22u. ’s Avonds zijn leden welkom op een receptie aan de stand van Brepols. De tickets kunnen online aangevraagd worden via hun web-loket. Meer informatie vindt u in de uitnodiging
Registratie kan via deze url:

Studiedag Gesta episcoporum Cameracensium (Lille, 15/11)

Op vrijdag 15 november 2013 gaat aan de Université Lille 3 (Villeneuve d’Ascq) een studiedag door getiteld “Gesta episcoporum Cameracensium: Mémoire et identité en Lotharingie au début du XIe siècle“. Op het programma staan presentaties van het meest recente onderzoek op deze uitzonderlijke bron voor de geschiedenis van de bisdommen Arras en Cambrai.
Het volledige programma vindt u in de bijlage.

Conference ‘Shaping Authority’ (Leuven, Dec 2013)

LECTIO, the Leuven Centre for the study of the transmission of texts and ideas in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, kindly invites you to attend the next Conference, entitled ‘Shaping Authority’. How did a person become an authority in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance?

In this two-day conference (see the digital flyer with schedule) we will focus on the mechanisms and strategies by which participants in intellectual life at large have shaped the authority of historical persons; and which circumstances have led to the disintegrations of the authority of persons previously considered to be authoritative.

This conference takes place on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December 2013 in the Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe, Janseniusstraat 1, 3000 Leuven.

For more information, please find the attached invitation with a short program and the conference website

Participation is free, but please register in advance by filling out the online registration form on the conference website

We kindly thank you for sending this invitation to your academic network.