2 postdoc vacatures, Universiteit Leiden

The Leiden University Institute for History has two positions on offer for postdoctoral researchers. During the period of their contract (no longer than six months on the basis of 1,0 fte) applicants are expected to write a research grant proposal (preferably for a Rubicon, VENI or VIDI application) and publish one article in a peer reviewed journal. In case a grant is subsequently awarded the applicant is expected to base his/her project at the Leiden University Institute for History.

The deadline for applications is 25 October 2015.

More information can be found on the website.

Vacature: Post-Doctoral Fellow in the History of the Low Countries

The Institute of Historical Research in London is op zoek naar een post-doctoral fellow voor één jaar.
Post-Doctoral Fellow in the History of the Low Countries
Reference Number
School of Advanced Study
from £33,114 per annum
Contract Type
Fixed-Term Contract
Full/Part Time
Full Time
Closing Date
16 August 2015
The Role
Applications are invited for a 1-year post-doctoral fellowship in Low Countries History. The appointee will undertake a major survey of the holdings on Low Countries history in the Wohl Library of the Institute of Historical Research, and of other Low Countries materials other institutes and libraries in the School of Advanced Study with the aim of promoting and facilitating their use and identifying resources for digitisation.

A key aspect of the role will be to identify potential funding opportunities for development of these library collections, and to manage the process of grant applications. In addition, the appointee will engage in the promotion of the collections by attending appropriate events, using social media and visiting relevant history departments.

About The Department
The Institute of Historical Research is one of the member Institutes of the School of Advanced Study, part of the University of London. Founded in 1921 by A. F. Pollard, the Institute of Historical Research (IHR) is an important resource and meeting place for researchers from all over the world.

The IHR library is a reference collection of published primary sources covering the history of Western Europe and its colonial history from the fifth century to the present.

You can find out more about the Institute and the Library here:http://www.history.ac.uk/
Further Information
In order to apply for this post, please upload and CV and covering letter using the link below. In your covering letter please clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements of the post.

The deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday, 16 August 2015. Interviews are expected to be held on 2 September 2015.

The University offers membership to the Universities’ Superannuation Scheme (USS).

Pursuing equal opportunities and excellence in education.




PhD position: Stylometry and 12th century collaborative authorship

The Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies at Ghent University (BELGIUM) has a position available for a PhD researchers (full-time predoctoral researcher) in the project “Collaborative Authorship in Twelfth-Century Latin Literature: A Stylometric Approach to Gender, Synergy and Authority”. Stylometry, a subfield of Digital Humanities, offers new methods for segregating different writing styles. So far, stylometry has been especially popular in authorship attribution
studies. This project will approach issues of collaborative authorship in twelfth-century
Latin literature with stylometric methods. The project will be supervised by  Prof. Jeroen Deploige (Ghent University), Dr. Mike Kestemont (University of Antwerp) and Prof. Wim Verbaal (Ghent University) More information can be found in the pdf document attached.

Vacatures Universität Hamburg

De Universität Hamburg zoekt een wetenschappelijk medewerker voor het project Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und Europa, in het bijzonder voor het subproject ‘East Frankish Manuscripts Containing Collections of Formulae’. Deze aanstelling van 65% gaat in vanaf 1 september 2015. Solliciteren kan t.e.m. 30 juni 2015. Meer informatie vindt u hier.

Het Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures van de Universität Hamburg heeft tevens veRschillende posities voor doctorandi (ingaand vanaf 1 oktober 2015 of 1 april 2016). Solliciteren kan t.e.m. 15 juli 2015. Meer informatie vindt u hier.

Vacatures Universiteit Göttingen (doc en postdoc)

The Collaborative Research Centre 1136 (CRC) “Education and Religion in Cultures of the Mediterranean and Its Environment from Ancient to Medieval Times and to the Classical Islam” at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), currently invites applications for 14 research positions (doctoral students and postdocs).

The CRC investigates constellations of education and religion in Greco-Roman religion, Judaism, Christianity and Islam from the 5th century BCE to the 13th century CE. The doctoral students and postdocs participate in and contribute to the research conducted within the sub-projects of the CRC.

The positions start as soon as possible and last for three years with the possibility of extension. The salary is subject to the German TV-L payscale (TV-L E 13). The postdocs will hold full-time positions, the doctoral students part-time positions.

More information: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/118351.html

Vacature Archeology of Pre-Modern Europe

De Research Training Group 1878 zoekt een postdoctoraal medewerker voor het project Archeology of Pre-Modern Europe. De medewerker zal verbonden aan de Universiteit van Bonn zijn en onderzoek doen naar ‘Religious Institutions as Economic Units’. De functie gaat in op 1 oktober 2015 en loopt twee jaar (verlengbaar met één jaar). Solliciteren kan t.e.m. 30 juni 2015. Meer informatie vindt u op http://www.wirtschaftsarchaeologie.de/en/ausschreibung-einer-postdoktorandenstelle/.