In juni 2013 worden twee conferenties georganiseerd aan UCL te London: Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France en The Italian Angevins: Naples and Beyond. Meer informatie over deze evenementen vindt u in de Engelstalige aankondiging hieronder, alsook de verschillende bijlages bij dit bericht:
- italian angevin – poster (750)
- MFLCOF – poster (750)
- MFLCOF – Programme
- MFLCOF Seminar 2 May
- provisional-programme_-the-italian-angevins
Eveneens wordt bericht over een lezing die op 2 mei te Londen wordt gehouden door Remco Sleiderink: ‘The Ring of Hope. Guillaume de Machaut’s Remède de Fortune and the reception of French literature in the Low Countries in the 2nd half of the 14th century’.
Dear all
Please find attached the infomation for two conferences to be held at UCL in June.
Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France is a two-day academic international conference to be held at University College London, 6-7 June 2013. In nine sessions, we will address the research questions set by the AHRC-funded MFLCOF-project, thus investigating how francophone literary texts travelled across Europe (the Low Countries, the British Isles, the Mediterranean) and beyond (the Crusader Kingdoms in the Holy Land). Particular focus will be on the period between the twelfth and the fifteenth century. Keynote speakers are Dr. Frank Brandsma (Universiteit Utrecht) and Prof. Keith Busby (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Further information:
Please register before 29 May (conference fees: £15 student / lower waged; £35 waged)
The Italian Angevins: Naples and Beyond is a one-day interdisciplinary conference, focusing on the culture, history, and politics of the Angevin Regno, from 1266 to 1422. Complementing the 2013 Boccaccio Septcentenary, and immediately preceding this year’s Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France conference, we anticipate that this event will stimulate much lively discussion among scholars of diverse disciplinary interests. The keynote address will be given by Marilynn Desmond (Cambridge University). Further information:
Please register before 29 May (attendance is free of charge)
Additionally, we would like to draw your attention to the final seminar in our 2012-2013 MFLCOF seminar series to be held 2 May (5.30 PM) at King’s College London (Strand Campus, K2.29, Council Room). Prof. Remco Sleiderink (HUB, Brussels) will be talking about ‘The Ring of Hope. Guillaume de Machaut’s Remède de Fortune and the reception of French literature in the Low Countries in the 2nd half of the 14th century’. This session is co-sponsored by CLAMS.
Please feel free to circulate this message in your department / among those you think will be interested in attending.
Best wishes,
Dirk Schoenaers
University College London
Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France