Verlengde deadline doctoral seminar R. McKitterick, 22 mei, Leuven

De deadline voor het indienen van voorstellen voor het doctoral seminar van prof. R. McKitterick op 22 mei te Leuven rond ‘The Uses and Communication of the Past in the Middle Ages’  is verlengd tot 30 april 2015. De geüpdate versie van de Call for Papers vindt u hier terug.

U bent natuurlijk ook nog steeds van harte welkom op de Lectio chair lezing van prof. McKitterick op 21 mei, getiteld ‘The Authority of Rome in the manuscripts of Early Medieval Europe’.  Meer info vindt u hier.

CFP: Landschapscontactdag, 16 oktober 2015, Aalst

Op 16 oktober 2015 vindt de Tiende Landschapscontactdag plaats te Aalst. Het thema dit jaar is ‘Stadsranden, urbanisatie en suburbanisatie’. De organisatie is op zoek naar vijf onderzoekers die een lezing willen houden die de problematiek van het (sub) urbanisatieproces van steden aanraakt en inzicht geeft in de historische drijfkrachten achter deze ruimtelijke ontwikkeling. Wie geïnteresseerd is om zijn onderzoek te presenteren kan een abstract (250-400 woorden) bezorgen aan en dit vóór 1 juni. Wie suggesties heeft voor een postersessie of voor een interessante excursie in de omgeving van Aalst kan ook contact opnemen. Meer informatie vindt u hier.

CFP: Law, Territory and Governance, 15-16 mei 2015, Compiègne

Op 15 en 16 mei 215 vindt de jaarlijkse samenkomst van de Society for Legal and Institutional History of Flanders, Picardy and Wallonia plaats, die dit jaar doorgaat te Compiègne. Wie geïnteresseerd is om eigen onderzoek te presenteren (in Engels, Frans of Nederlands) kan een abstract indienen tot 15 april 2015. Registeren als deelnemer kan tot 30 april 2015. Meer info vindt u op:

Internationaal Colloquium Abdijmuseum Ten Duinen, 21-23 oktober 2015, Abdijmuseum

Van 21 t.e.m. 23 oktober 2015 vindt de zevende editie van het Internationaal Colloquium van het Abdijmuseum Ten Duinen plaats. Dit jaar is het colloquium gewijd aan “Doden spreken. interdisciplinair onderzoek op archeologische grafcontexten in Noordwest-Europa (10de – 16de eeuw)”. Diverse sprekers zullen actuele onderzoeksresultaten en mogelijkheden belichten met focus op de ruimere benadering van skeletten en hun funeraire context en het levensverhaal van de doden van gemeenschap tot individu. Dit nieuw onderzoek reikt middelen aan tot een assessment, methodologie en een ruimere studie van middeleeuwse grafcontexten en opgegraven individuen in Noordwest-Europa. Meer informatie vindt u op

Wie geïnteresseerd is om zelf onderzoek te presenteren op dit colloquium kan een poster-voorstel indienen tegen 1 augustus 2015. Meer informatie en een uitgebreide call for poster sessions vindt u op

Call for proposals: The Changing Face of Medieval Dutch Narrative Literature in the Early Period of Print

De tweede expert meeting van het onderzoeksproject The Changing Face of Medieval Dutch Narrative Literature in the Early Period of Print vindt plaats op 26 en 27 november 2015 in Antwerpen. In het bijgevoegde document vindt u de Call for proposals van deze meeting. Deadline voor het insturen is 15 maart 2015.


Call Second Expert Meeting Changing Face Medieval Dutch

CFP: DHBenelux Conference 8-9 juni 2015, Antwerpen

On 8 and 9 June 2015, the second DHBenelux conference will take place. The DHBenelux conference is a young initiative that strives to further the dissemination of, and collaboration between Digital Humanities projects in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg by hosting an annual conference in various institutions throughout these countries. The conference serves as a platform for the fast growing community of DH researchers to meet, present and discuss their latest research results and to demonstrate tools and projects.

The first DHBenelux conference took place in The Hague (The Netherlands) in 2014 and was a great success, attracting an audience of over 160 participants with a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, coming from a variety of different countries (including but not limited to the Benelux). In 2015 the conference aspires to welcome an even larger and more diverse audience.

= Conference, Program, Venue =
The DHBenelux 2015 conference will be proudly hosted by the University of Antwerp. The conference will take place on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 June 2015 at the University of Antwerp campus.

The DHBenelux conference welcomes contributions and participants from all areas of research and teaching in Digital Humanities. While the conference has a focus on recent advances in Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg, we do warmly welcome contributions from outside the Benelux. The language of the conference is international English. We hope that we may welcome many scholars to the European scientific meeting platform that DHBenelux will constitute in summer 2015 for the Digital Humanities.

The conference program will offer oral presentations, project presentations, poster sessions, and a demo space. Our first confirmed keynote speaker will be William Noel (, Director of The Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts at the University of Pennsylvania.

= Call =
We now invite submissions of abstracts on any aspect of digital humanities: practical experimentation, thorough theorizing, cross- and multidisciplinary work, new and relevant developments. Relevant subjects can be any of—but are not limited to—the following:

– Digital media, digitization, curation of digital objects
– Software studies, modeling, information design
– Text mining, data mining, big data & small data
– Design and application of algorithms and analyses
– Application of digital technology in literary, linguistic, cultural, and historical studies
– Critical study of digital arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new media, digital games
– Social and economic aspects of digitality and digital humanities
– Stylometry, topic modeling, sentiment mining and other digital techniques
– Interfaces, augmented reality, serious gaming
– Pedagogy, teaching, and dissemination of digital humanities

We particularly encourage PhD students and junior researchers to submit abstracts. Note that this call is not limited to researchers in the Benelux. Anyone can submit an abstract.

Proposal should be at least 250 words, not exceeding 500 words. References and/or bibliography, recommended but not obligatory, are excluded from the word count. Proposals may contain graphics and illustrations. Proposals and abstracts should clearly state the title and name and affiliation of the authors and presenters. Also indicate for which category (or categories) of presentation you are submitting your proposal. Presentation categories are:

* Paper
Oral presentations on papers will be given 15 minutes presentation time and 5 minutes for Q&A. Oral presentations are well suited for presenting research methods and results, concise theoretical argument, reporting on ongoing research, project presentations, and presenting intermediate finds or theory development.

* Poster
Posters are particularly suited for detailed technical explanations and clarifications, and for the show and tell of projects and research alike. A two hour poster session is scheduled, posters may be put up for display during the entire conference.

* Demonstration
For demonstrating prototypes, finished software, hardware technology, tools, datasets, digital publications and so forth a ‘market place’ will be organized.

Proposals may combine two presentation modes, e.g. to support the theory detailed in a paper presentation with a practical demonstration on the demo market place. Combined presentations should either consist of a paper plus demonstration, or a paper and poster. In the interest of planning we ask authors to be very careful in indicating chosen combinations of presentation modes.

To submit your proposal, please use the EasyChair facility that we have put online at:

= Important dates =
Deadline for submitting abstracts: Sunday 1 March 2015, 23:59 CET.
Notification of acceptance: Sunday 15 March 2015.
Deadline for revised abstracts: Wednesday 1 April 2015.

= More information =
Please check our website at for further details that will become available running up to the conference. Any additional questions and inquiries can be sent to Mike Kestemont ( or Joris van Zundert (

We look forward to welcoming you all in Antwerp!

Kind regards,
On behalf of the conference organizers and the program committee
–Joris van Zundert (Program Chair)

Conference Organizers:
– Elli Bleeker, University of Antwerp.
– Thomas Crombez, Royal Academy of Fine Arts & University of Antwerp.
– Walter Daelemans, University of Antwerp.
– Katrien Deroo, Ghent University.
– Wout Dillen, University of Antwerp.
– Aodhán Kelly, University of Antwerp.
– Mike Kestemont, University of Antwerp.
– Saskia Scheltjens, Ghent University.
– Joris J. van Zundert, Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands.
– Ben Verhoeven, University of Antwerp.
– Dirk Van Hulle, University of Antwerp.

Program Committee:
– Joris J. van Zundert (Chair), Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands.
– Marijn Koolen (Vice Chair), University of Amsterdam
– Rens Bod, University of Amsterdam.
– Antal van den Bosch, Radboud University Nijmegen.
– Steven Claeyssens, Royal Library, The Hague.
– Thomas Crombez, Royal Academy of Fine Arts & University of Antwerp.
– Karina van Dalen-Oskam, University of Amsterdam & Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands.
– Seth Van Hooland, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
– Dirk Van Hulle, University of Antwerp.
– Folgert Karsdorp, Meertens Institute.
– Mike Kestemont, University of Antwerp.
– Marijn Koolen, University of Amsterdam.
– Christophe Verbruggen, Ghent University.
– Lars Wieneke, CVCE Luxembourg.
– Walter Daelemans, University of Antwerp.

CFP: GRACEH conference 2015

Van 23 t.e.m. 25 april 2015 vindt de negende editie van de Graduate Conference in European History (GRACEH) plaats te Wenen. Het thema is ‘Crisis and Solidarity in European History’. De deadline voor paper proposals is 31 januari 2015. Meer informatie vindt u hier terug.