Workshop Biographical Data in a Digital World (Amsterdam, 9/04)

Binnen het project BiographyNet wordt op 9 april 2015 een workshop georganiseerd in Amsterdam m.b.t. ICT analyses van biografische data. De organisatoren lanceren een call for papers. Voorstellen omvatten maximaal 2500 woorden en dienen aangeleverd te worden vóór 31 januari. U vindt alle informatie op de webpagina.

CFP: Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing

The Huygens Institute announces a three-day conference in Den Haag, The Netherlands from 3-5 June 2015 entitled ” ‘Namque ego suetus eram hos libros legisse frequenter’: Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing”. The conference deals with the subject of books, practices of writing, reading, copying and studying in the early Middle Ages. It is organized by the research project “Marginal Scholarship: The Practice of Learning in the Early Middle Ages (c. 800 – c. 1000)”. We invite papers on the following themes:

1. Practices of annotating
2. The profile of annotating practices
3. Cultures of writing

A selection of the papers from the conference will be collected in an edited volume, to be published in 2016.

We ask you to send us a title and abstract (ca 400-500 words), your contact information and affiliation to The deadline for sending in abstracts is 15 January 2015. You will hear back from us before 15 February 2015 whether your proposal has been accepted. More information can be found on:

The organizers offer to cover your expenses of accommodation. No fee will be asked, lunches will be provided and one conference diner. For your travel expenses we kindly ask you to rely on the budget of your own university or other academic sponsor. If this is a problem, please indicate this in your correspondence with us, so that we can take the possibility of covering your travel expenses as well into consideration.

Extended deadline for registration Winterschool ‘Communication and Exploitation of Knowledge’

The deadline for registration for the Winterschool ‘Communication and Exploitation of Knowledge’ is extended to 10 December 2014. The School’s PhD Students are specially invited to send in an application. External PhD Students (‘buitenpromovendi’) are welcome to apply as well.

  • Date and location: Fri-Sun 20-22 February, 2015, at Leiden University
  • Open to: Research-MA and PhD students registered through the Onderzoekschool Mediëvistiek, as well as PhD students from the University of Cambridge
  • Fees: this conference is free of charge
  • Organization: Dr. Erik Kwakkel (Leiden) and Prof. dr. Rosamond McKitterick (Cambridge)
  • Funding: Onderzoekschool Mediëvistiek, Groningen.


This conference is devoted to communication and knowledge in the Middle Ages and is aimed at graduate students (both Research-MA and PhD) from all relevant disciplines. Students are invited to submit an abstract for a paper relating to their current research. The theme is defined broadly so as to attract participants with diverse backgrounds. Proposals may cover such topics as transmission channels, material means of communication, manuscripts as objects, textual genres related to communication, oral versus written communication, education, the medieval understanding of (or attitude to) communication and/or knowledge, comparing practices across space or time, etc. The conference aims to be a platform where graduate students can learn about current research in medieval communication (broadly understood), practice their presentation and chairing skills, and exchange ideas with peers from another research culture.

Participants and Papers

The program allows for thirty participants: fifteen Research-MA and seven PhD students affiliated to the Onderzoekschool Mediëvistiek, as well as eight PhD students from the University of Cambridge. Regarding the Research-MA students, priority will be given to those enrolled in the Graduate Programme (Special Training Programme) of the Onderzoekschool Mediëvistiek. PhD students are invited to give a twenty-minute paper, while MA-students will give shorter papers of ten minutes. The conference will start at 9 am on Friday 20 February and will run to 2 pm on Sunday 22 February. Lunch and dinner will be provided at no charge. Students from the UK are offered three nights of hotel (Thursday, Friday and Saturday night); Dutch participants are expected to find their own accommodation, or make suitable travel arrangements.


Students interested in participating are requested to submit an abstract (in English) of c. 250 words (PDF) to Erik Kwakkel (Dutch students) or Rosamond McKitterick (UK students). In addition, students are asked to submit a one-page letter of motivation (PDF). Selection is based on both your letter and abstract.

New closing date for applications: 10 December 2014.

Contact and Information

Dutch students: Erik Kwakkel (
Cambridge students: Rosamond McKitterick (

Devotio Moderna and the Rederijkers (CFP Kalamazoo)

Call for Papers

50th International Medieval Congress

May 14-17, 2015

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo  Michigan

“The Devotio Moderna and the Rederijkers: Farce and Philosophy in Early Dutch Drama”

The Devotio Moderna and its teachings of spiritual interiority greatly influenced the religious life of the Low Countries throughout the later middle ages. Consequently, the literary and dramatic arts of this period were also influenced by the religious perspectives of the Devotio Moderna. This interface between fifteenth and sixteenth-century Dutch spirituality and its contemporaneous dramatic arts offers rich ground for intertextual studies. This session invites interdisciplinary papers on the Rederijker (Rhetorician) plays and their performance within the contexts of the spiritual interiority instructed by the Devotio Moderna.

The Redrijkers, their playwrights, plays, and performance, celebrated in morality and miracle plays the spirituality of the interior life or mocked it with farce and spectacle. The varied treatments the Rederijkers’ gave spiritual topics can be debated in terms of author, Redrijker chamber, and/or its religious leanings, political affiliations, and/or geographical location. Papers are welcomed which illuminate the Devotio Moderna’s perspectives on spirituality within the textual and dramatic fabric of Rederijker plays and their performance. Such scholarship will serve to broaden the English-speaking audience’s understanding of late medieval Dutch drama and its scope as a didactic theatrical medium.

One-page abstracts for papers for this session need to be received by/on September 30th (deadline extended) at the following address:

ALSO: please print out and complete the participation information form on the 50th International Congress website, scan it, and include it as an attachment with your abstract. This form is available at:   (see page 7)


If you have any questions about the session or the 2015 Congress, feel free to contact me and/or check the Congress website:

Best regards,

Mary Maxine Browne

Lezing & Call for papers: doctoral seminar “The Trouble with Custom” (Leuven, 2-3/10)

In het kader van de presentatie van hun nieuwe boekenreeks, organiseert LECTIO een lezing en doctoral seminar rond het thema “The Trouble with Custom”. Op 2 oktober 2014 geeft professor Emily Kadens om 17h een lezing getiteld “The Intellectual History of Custom”. Deze is toegankelijk voor iedereen. Op 3 oktober volgt er een seminar voor doctorandi en post-docs rond hetzelfde thema. Deelnemers krijgen de kans om hun onderzoeksproject voor te stellen en te bediscussiëren met professor Kadens en de andere deelnemers. Kandidaten voor de seminar moeten appliceren voor 25 augustus 2014. Alle informatie kan worden nagelezen in de call for papers.

Call for papers Historical Network Research Conference (15-19/09, Gent)

De organisatoren van de interdisciplinaire Historical Network Research Conference 2014 zijn op zoek naar lezingen over de integratie van sociale netwerk analyse in wetenschappelijk historisch onderzoek. Zij hopen ook papers uit de middeleeuwse studies aan te trekken. De conferentie gaat door van 15 tot 19 september aan de Universiteit Gent en in het STAM. Meer informatie vindt u in de call for papers en op de website van de conferentie.

Call for papers negende Landschapscontactdag (3/10/2014)

Op 3 oktober 2014 vindt de negende editie van de jaarlijkse Landschapscontactdag plaats met als thema ‘De constructie van de wildernis’. Dit jaar ligt de focus op de dualiteit van oude cultuurlandschappen en hun natuurwaarde. De organisatie is op zoek naar vijf lezingen rond de problematiek van historisch landgebruik in zogenaamde natuurlandschappen met specifieke aandacht voor de relatie tussen landschap, landschapsbeheer en natuurbeheer in hedendaagse ‘wildernissen’. Kandidaten dienen vóór 2 juni een samenvatting (250-400 woorden) te mailen naar Suggesties voor wetenschappelijke excursies (regio Hasselt) en posterpresentaties zijn ook welkom. Meer info vindt u in de call for papers of op de website.